We are "embedded" in matter and energy that sustains all forms of life in a universe that is chaotic, unpredictable, nonlinear. This ongoing project, Animated Landscape, is a reflection on the variable forces of life, the interactions between energy and matter, as fundamental properties of our physical and biological systems.These systems are defined both by the types of energy and matter they contain and by how that matter and energy move through and between them. In natural systems, energy and matter can change forms but cannot be created or destroyed.How can we represent these abstract and complex dynamics which are essentially part of ourselves?Can we depict the invisible forces that animate the visible world? Can we activate ecological and empathetic ways of looking and interacting within this web of tangible and intangible relationships?These questions inform my practice to interconnect and embody emotional, physical, and metaphysical information. The diverse subject matter is deliberately heterogeneous and non-hierarchical, comprising biological, geological and chemical systems.I combine this research with display devices that invite the viewer to engage sensorially with the artworks. Installations include photographs of different sizes and formats and explore a variety of photographic printing processes and 3D engraving technologies.